Compare Medicare Insurance Plans 2023
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There are a variety of Medicare Insurance plans to choose from. Plans may be available from these providers and more:
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who Is
We are an online research website for use by consumers who are going on Medicare soon, or those who are already on Medicare. We connect insurance shoppers with information, including insurance companies and agents, to help find the right insurance plan for your individual needs. Through our website you can learn, compare, and shop the plans and prices of ALL leading Medicare insurance companies offered throughout the U.S. We have been ranked in the top 5 as one of the leading Medicare Supplement Insurance comparison websites. Start your free quote today!
What Is Medicare Supplement Insurance (a.k.a. Medigap)?
Medicare Supplement Insurance is a private health insurance plan designed to cover the “gaps” left by basic Medicare Parts A & B. When you turn age 65 (or become eligible for disability benefits under age 65) you will obtain Medicare. Basic Medicare is broken down into two parts, consisting of “Part A” and “Part B”. Part A of Medicare is known as your basic hospital coverage. Part B of Medicare is known as your basic medical coverage. Both of these parts to Medicare only pay a portion of your healthcare expenses. That is why it is important to purchase additional Medicare Supplement Insurance to cover what Medicare does not.
Who Is Eligible For Medicare Supplement Insurance?
As long as you are covered under original Medicare Parts A & B, then you are “eligible” to purchase Medicare Supplemental Insurance. However, you may be subject to answering health questions. If you are within 6 months of initially getting your Medicare Part B coverage, or turning age 65, you will be guaranteed acceptance. Also, if you are losing group health insurance, or a similar situation, you may also be guaranteed acceptance into a Medicare Supplement Plan. In other situations, you may be required to answer health questions. In order to determine what you are eligible for, we advise to give us a call and we can explain your options.
Where Do I Purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance?
You can purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance in many different ways. Most consumers will initially complete much of the research necessary online in order to gain a better understanding of the options available to them. After you feel you are well informed and have been able to get price quotes on several different options, you will then decide to apply for a policy. We work with all of the top insurance agents and insurance companies across the country and can help assist you in purchasing almost any Medicare plan that you desire. The quickest way to compare plans & prices, and/or sign up is to fill out our online quote form and get started today!
What Is The Difference Between Medicare Supplement Insurance & Medicare Advantage Plans?
A Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan and a Medicare Advantage Plan are two very different types of insurance that many individuals confuse as being the same. It is important to understand what each plan is and is not in order to purchase the best coverage for your needs. Put simply, a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan is a secondary insurance plan sold by private insurance companies. This plan type is designed to fill in the “gaps” left by original Medicare A & B. Again, Medicare does not cover 100% of everything, and so it is important to purchase a Medicare Supplement to fill those gaps. On the other hand, a Medicare Advantage Plan is a type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare. Medicare Advantage Plans provide all of your Part A and Part B benefits. If you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan, most Medicare services are covered through the plan. Medicare services are not paid for by Original Medicare. Most Medicare Advantage plans offer prescription drug coverage.
When Can I Sign Up For Medicare Supplement Insurance?
Many people are under the misconception that you can only sign up for a Medicare Supplemental Insurance plan at certain times throughout the year–this is not true. In fact, you can actually sign up for a Medicare Supplement Plan at any time throughout the year. However, there are some timeframes to be aware of. 1) There is the “Initial Enrollment Period” which is a one time only opportunity lasting 6 months from when you initially get Medicare Part B. During this 6 months, you can purchase any Medicare Supplement Plan through any company with guaranteed acceptance–regardless of your health. 2) If you are losing insurance coverage through an employer or in a similar situation, you may be eligible for a “Guaranteed Issue” period lasting 63 days, in which you can purchase a Medicare Supplement Insurance–again with no health questions asked. 3) The final way to purchase a Medicare Supplement Policy is simply to answer the health questions and go through medical underwriting.
Who Purchases Medicare Supplement Insurance?
Individuals from all walks of life can find Medicare Supplement Insurance to be a major benefit. Whether you are on a very low income, a low to moderate fixed income (like most seniors), or are wealthy–Medicare Supplement Insurance can be a great choice. One of the main reasons why it doesn’t matter your income as much is because Medicare’s coverage is standard–regardless of your financial status. Whether you are a low income or a multi-millionaire, you still have a strong need to protect yourself from the large gaps leftover by Medicare. If Medicare Part B only covers 80% of your medical expenses, it will always be important to have insurance to cover the remaining 20%.
Important Fact: How To Save Money!
All 10 Medicare Supplement Plans are standardized by Medicare, meaning coverage and benefits are identical between companies. Price is the only difference. Our best advice is to compare plans online and save!
How Can I Learn More About Medicare Supplement Insurance?
The best thing to do if you are looking to learn more about Medicare Plans; is to start your online quote comparison today. With your free rate quote and plan comparison, you will be able to easily see the differences in coverage and monthly price between the varying plans offered in your area. Our website will provide you access and information to get off to the right start in your Medicare plan research.